Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fat Secret....shh!

Alright! New Years resolution time is right around the corner so we might as well start now or at least get ready! How many of you keep a food log? How many of you exercise but aren't seeing a difference in your body? Eating right is crucial to getting to your goal. Trust me...I trained for a marathon but ate whatever I wanted so I wasn't looking too different by the time the race was over. Keeping a food journal is a great way to stay on track. I had one of my clients start doing this is and she was shocked at the amount of hidden calories she has throughout the day from lattes and tea. It was also eye opening to see her intake of water. During these colder months it's easy to skip the water...but try to get your 64 oz in.

If you like writing things out you can buy a journal or print this out

If you like logging online my favorite site is or

Remember be honest! Only you are seeing this....well unless you want to have someone check up on you. I can see my friend's food logs on fatsecret. And start with small goals. Some people get overwhelmed when they try to change everything at once. So start by hitting your water goal or having a healthy breakfast. Make small changes and let your body adjust to them before moving on to the next goal. Life is too short! So don't beat yourself up if you have a glass of egg nog :-) Happy Holidays!!!

If you're in the NW suburbs come take my Zumba class Xmas Eve morning at 10:45 am! xoxo

Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

Although it's not officially winter yet it definitely feels like it! With the snow and the 11 degree weather I understand not wanting to drive out to the gym. But there are some exercises you can do at home. Of course I always recommend Jillian Michaels' DVDs because they get your heart rate up and give you a total body workout. You can also make up your own workout! Squats, lunges, pushups, dips, planks can all be done with your own body weight. So put on some music and get moving!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Holiday Season is here! Some tips to avoid weight gain!

I can't believe it's already December 5th. I need to start writing in my blog more often! A lot has happened since I last wrote. I now have a new job! Well I'm still a trainer but I am at the Wellness Center in Arlington Heights. I love it there!! So many positive people surround me each time I walk into the building.
So what are your holiday plans? How are you going to prevent holiday weight gain? I read that people gain an average of 7 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years Day! That's a lot for a short person like myself so I'm not about to let that happen and neither should you.
Here are some suggestions/tips for you:
Start a food log and be completely honest! Yes I had 3 hershey kisses today but let's keep it at just 3 and not 10. To stay in check a couple of my friends and I are going to show each other our food logs twice a week. We are just writing what and when we are eating.
Plan your workouts! It's easy to put off exercise when it's cold and snowy outside. So try to find a couple times a week that you can get to the gym and put it in your schedule. I recently ran out of time to do my strength training but now that my scehdule cleared up I'm penciling it in so I don't have an excuse to slack off.
Find an exercise you like!! I love love love Zumba!! So I'm going to take a few more classes this month. I've also started taking classes with my friends at Flirty Girl Fitness in Chicago. This gives us a chance to catch up and spend time together and it doesn't revolve around food!
Bring your own healthy recipes to your holiday events. I made a Hungry Girl lowfat pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving and it was amazing!
Never starve yourself before a holiday meal...that usually results in bingeing! So still eat your breakfast, lunch and light snack if your big event is in the evening. Protein is key to making you feel full and keeping you full longer so make sure you eat lots of it :-)
And last but not least remember what the holidays are all about! Our society places such a huge emphasis on having delicious food at every social occassion, but we should think about volunteering and feeding people less fortunate.
Start new traditions with your family and friends! Stay in the moment! Happy Holidays!

P.S. When in doubt buy a new workout video to do at home! Then you really have no excuses!