Sunday, February 27, 2011

Are you getting enough sleep?


I recently invested in a bodymedia fit armband. I'm kind of obsessed with it right now. It tracks your calories throughout the day and also when you're sleeping. I knew some days I was more tired then others but I had no idea how little sleep I was really getting. The first night I wore the arm band I knew I had to get up early. Although I was in bed for 7 hrs I only slept 4.5 Then I slept 5.5 hrs two night in a row and last night actually slept 6.5...I feel like a new person today. How much sleep do you get a night?
It'd be a perfect world if we could all sleep 7-8 hrs but I'm finding that's not realistic in my crazy schedule.
Tips to help you get better sleep:
1. No caffeine past 3:00 pm
2. Avoid taking a nap
3. Spray your pillow with some lavender - Bath and body works makes a great scent
4. Wear socks
5. If you wake up in the night try not to turn a light on
6. Don't watch the clock (I tend to do this a lot when I know I have to be up early)
7. Meditate, read, or something that will relax you
8. Drink some chamomile
9. Eat greek yogurt or low fat cottage cheese about an hour before bed
10. Invest in your own bodymedia :-p

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